
How many of you had your children, before adhering to the following "checklist"?

How many of you had your children, before adhering to the following "checklist"?

Question by ~ Yay For Wild Things ~: How many of you had your children, before adhering to the following "checklist"? 1-You are a legal adult 2- You have a well paying job 3- You support yourself 4- You are in a committed, stable marriage/relationship 5- You are willing to put yourself aside and meet the needs of others first This was writen by one user, in response to todays Y/A controversy question about teen mothers. So can someone PLEASE tell me, why this user and a HELL of a lot of other people, seem to think that they have control over other womens reproductive systems and sex lives? WHY just because some certain users believe that no one should have sex or children, before following that checklist, that everyone else on the planet should agree with them, and follow thei 4; rules?! What gives them the right to say that my choice to fall pregnant at 17 and have my first child at 18 was a BAD decision? In fact, it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I would not change it at all and I do not ever regret it. Why do these people think it's acceptable to call our children "oops" babies? I find it a little entertaining, that this users happens to be a SAHM. She is not employed and does not support herself. Her husband does. I am not in anyway trying to condemn SAHM's at all. But according to this users own checklist she should not have had children. A little bit of a contradiction don't you think? I hope she is proud of herself for managing to look down upon, judge, and upset the majority of her contacts and so called "friends". So tell me, parents, how many of you adhered to this users checklist before having your children? And to those of you that *shock horror* did not, would you have ever had children?! Some people are not lucky enough to score themselves a high paying job, or to have a happy marriage. Does this mean they shouldn't be allowed to have children because they do not follow the "checklist". This person can take their checklist and shove it, because I am sure the vast majority of us do NOT need someone to regulate our reproductive systems for us. I would like to add that I am not a teen mother. I am a 33 year old married mother of 4, who was a succesful, . married teen mother when I had my first child. I would not change anything about it at all. By the time my husband and I were in our mid twenties we were more succesful than most people are in a lifetime. Being a teenage mother was NOT a bad decision for me. For those of you who did complete that "checklist", that is great! Honestly it is. Most parents wish to achieve all that before starting a family i'm sure. I was simply making the point that we should not HAVE to adhere to anyone else's guidelines except our own. I would much rather live up to my own standards, rather than be made out to have made "bad choices" for not living up to someones elses. Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Peter
... i was a "oops" baby :(

Answer by Betty Boop
i had all 5 covered before having a baby, i had my daughter 6weeks ago im 21

Answer by Scott
oops x2 Here comes the thumbs down. : ( unplanned things can turn into beautiful things though.

Answer by chickenfarmer
For starters, he wasn't an oops baby, more like an "oh god yes" baby.....and I was legally an adult but barely. I was in a somewhat stable relationship that turned out sour but he's a great dad (and isn't that what matters?) He is 9 now and gets straight A's, loves legos and I love him.

Answer by HotpinkKitties
People love judging others, it sucks and makes for crappy livin, try to ignore them.

Answer by hometeacher< /i>
lets see, i was married had a job but we supported each other i think everyone should put others needs ahead of their own. no one is ever finacially stable for children!!

Answer by ummer f
Next they'll say. 1. You're legally alive. You're an adult when you can have children, end of story. Have babies! Otherwise we'd go extinct. 2. That is a very important factor... not always for the female. 3. Very important. 4. Meh 5. Some of us were born like that.

Answer by Jelly Bean
Why do you say the ones of us that did do this look down on the ones of you who don't? As long as you work, take care of your kids, and don't be a burden on the rest of us, I don't care what you do. As for you avatar name. milf, come on, that is what you think of yourself? It figures.

Answer by CM
YOU SAID A MOUTHFUL! BRAVO! MY HAT'S OFF TO YA! (Oh....and that checklist? That is hilarious. There was one more thing that the SAHM didnt have on that checklist.....obtain the 'Parenting Manual' from your great great ancestors. Oh wait.....it doesnt exist!) LMAO

Answer by Brayden calls me mama! ♥
I didn't. I didn't plan my child to be honest. But, I wouldn't trade him for the world, and he's a spoiled happy healthy baby, and that's all I can ask for (: He doesn't go without, we may not have tons of money, and tons of extra things, but I love that little boy more than anything in this world, and I'd give my life for him.

Answer by vanessa_ann_garcia
i totally agree with you on this!!! i was only almost 17 when i gave birth to my daughter. and no i did not marry her dad. and no i didnt have a good job. i was a junior i n hs. and i agree, my daughter is the best thing thats ever happened to me. im just as great of a mother than those women claim to be. people are so judgemental!!!!!!

Answer by Proud mom!
Sorry I did follow this checklist but if it would have happened before I wouldn't say it was an oops baby or that I regret it. Everyones different and I think that this is the ideal (what society thinks) a g& #111;od time to have a child. You look at this checklist and people follow it, well those are some of the people that cannot even handle a child after having them. Whatever you feel is acceptable I would say go for it, but waiting was my personal choice! Good luck and congrats!

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